At Blackwood Florist we have access to a great range of fresh roses in lots of colours and styles to spoil that special person, with delivery to all suburbs across Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills and outer suburbs. We also source imported roses from overseas which are renowned for their large headed flower and intense colour. Roses are always a favourite and can be displayed in many ways. Roses look stunning arranged in a vase or nice ceramic pot with lush foliage. Red is traditionally the romantic colour choice for love but the other colours can mean friendship, innocence, forgiveness and even tranquillity and peace. Our roses are sourced fresh daily from our selection of local market growers, with each flower hand-picked by the owner, so that only the freshest flowers are used in your arrangements.
This means that your gift will be enjoyed long after it has been delivered. Roses look their best for 4 to 6 days, possibly longer if they are looked after. We supply instructions with your delivery for the recipient to care for the flowers. All of our rose arrangements are available to view online, meaning you’ll be able to find something you like, across our large range. Please scroll down below to browse our designs and if you see something you like, you can order and pay online, easily and quickly. You can search by price, category or occasion, just to make it easier to find what you are looking for. You can also change the colour scheme to suit the occasion. If you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us and we can cater to your needs. Simply click the ‘Contact Us’ button at the top of the page.
10 Stem Romantic Wrap
Featured, featured products, Roses, Roses, Valentine's Day10 stems of red roses gift wrapped$125.0010 stems of beautiful long stem red roses gift wrapped, perfect for Valentine’s Day….
$125.00 -
Lily-Rose Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Featured, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Valentine's DayMix of lilies and roses in a bouquet$78.50A delightful bouquet featuring Asiatic lilies and 3 long stem roses. Spoil someone special in your life…
$78.50 -
Luxury Scented Candle
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Everlasting Flowers, featured products, Flower Arrangements, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Sympathy FlowersFragrances include Japanese Honeysuckle, Waterlily, Pomegranate and Vanillaberry.$35.00Gorgeous range of Australian handmade scented candles. Non toxic and the finest nature identical fragrance ingredients.
$35.00 -
Pastel Box Arrangement
Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Featured, featured products, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Sympathy FlowersApricot roses, pink Lisianthus and carnations in a boxed arrangement.$72.00Delicate mix of apricot roses, soft pink Lisianthus and carnations with foliage in a giftbox. Perfect for any occasion.
$72.00 -
Premium Gift Card
Birthday Flowers, Featured, Flower Arrangements, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Sympathy FlowersBeautiful Premium hand made gift cards. Upgrade when you have chosen your flower or gift purchase.$3.95Upgrade to a premium hand-made gift card when you have chosen your flower or gift purchase. Designed by a local artist each card is unique and made with love !
$3.95 -
Preserved Rose
Everlasting Flowers, featured products, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayStunning preserved rose bloom in a glass vase$38.50A fresh rose bloom captured at the perfect moment and preserved to last up to two years. Beautifully presented in a glass vase. Why not add a scented candle to complete the gift?
$38.50 -
Rose Heart Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayDozen red roses arranged into a beautiful bouquet with foliage and gift wrap.$155.00Beautiful bouquet featuring 12 long stem red roses with foliage and gift wrap. Send someone you love this bunch of romance!
$155.00 -
Rose Heart Box Arrangement
Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, featured products, Roses, Roses, Valentine's Day12 beautiful long stem roses arranged into a gift box.$155.00Twelve long stem red roses with lush foliage beautifully presented in a love heart decorated gift box. Perfect for the workplace or home….spoil your loved one.
$155.00 -
Rose Mix Bouquet
Bouquets, Featured, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayA mix of seasonal bouquet including roses gift wrapped .$90.00 – $120.00A gorgeous mix of seasonal flowers with premium red roses. Deliver happiness…..
$90.00 – $120.00 -
Short Style Rose Vase
Arrangements, Featured, Roses, Roses, Valentine's Day5 Short roses with foliage and berries in a glass vase$58.00A pretty vase of 5 short red roses and berries …..send someone a flower kiss !
$58.00 -
Single Rose Vase
Arrangements, featured products, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DaySingle red rose in a lovely glass vase$30.00One long stem red rose in a glass vase. A beautiful gesture for your special someone. Why not add a scented candle or chocolates to complete the gift?
$30.00 -
Soft Rose Premium Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Valentine's Day10 stems of cream or delicate soft pink roses in a bouquet with foliage and gift wrap.$155.0010 Premium, luscious cream or delicate soft pink long stem roses in a bouquet with lush foliage and gift wrap. Why not add a glass vase to complete the gift?
$155.00 -
Pastel Rose Box
Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses6 soft toned roses with foliage in a box$75.00Lovely gift box with 6 stems of pastel coloured roses and complimenting foliages.
$75.00 -
Premium Seasonal Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayMix of seasonal blooms with some roses included$76.50 – $98.00Beautiful bouquet featuring a mix of seasonal flowers blooms with some premium roses.
$76.50 – $98.00 -
Deluxe Rose Vase
Arrangements, Arrangements, Featured, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayPremium long stem red roses presented in glass vase$170.00Beautiful display of 12 long stem premium red roses presented in a tall premium glass vase. Impressive arrangement for someone special…
$170.00 -
Really Romantic Roses
Arrangements, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayYour choice of 30 or 40 short stem red roses arranged into a gift box.$245.00 – $320.0030 – 40 SHORT stem red roses arranged into a gift box with lush foliages ( select your size )
$245.00 – $320.00 -
Single Rose Giftbox
Arrangements, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayOne beautiful red rose presented in a gift box$30.00A single long stem, classic red rose beautifully presented in a gift box. A lovely surprise! Why not add a scented candle ?
$30.00 -
Pastel Rose Posy
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Valentine's DayTen stems of pastel coloured short stem roses in a lovely posy.$75.00This sweet pastel coloured 10 short stem rose posy is a thoughtful gift for a variety of occasions.
$75.00 -
Red Romance
Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Valentine's DayMix of red toned flowers arranged in a box$95.00Romantic mix of red toned flowers arranged with complimenting foliages in a box.
$95.00 -
Premium Glass Rose Dish
Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DaySix beautiful long stem red roses presented in a low glass vase$95.00Low glass vase dish with 6 long stem premium roses and tropical foliages.
$95.00 -
Add extra Balloons, Bears, Chocolates
Arrangements, Arrangements, Baskets, Baskets, Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, featured products, Flower Arrangements, Gift Baskets, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Hampers, Pamper Packs and Gifts, Mother's Day Flowers, RosesChose a cute teddy bear, soft toy or balloons to go with oyur chosen flower designAdd an extra touch to your chosen flower or hamper design. Bright soft toys and bears in pink, blue and neutral colours, helium balloons to suit many occasions and gift wrapped chocolates. Select your add on when you chose your flower design……
Rose Stunner
Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's Day24 stunning long stem roses arranged in a beautiful bouquet$300.00Stunning 24 long stem premium roses arranged in a bouquet that will really impress!