Lily-Rose Bouquet Lily-Rose Bouquet Home>Mother's Day Flowers>Bouquets>Lily-Rose Bouquet Lily-Rose Bouquet $78.50 Mix of lilies and roses in a bouquet Premium Gift Card Upgrade to a premium, hand-made gift card ($3.95) Add Chocolates Small sized gift-wrapped box of chocolates ($19.50) Premium sized imported quality chocolates ($29.50) Add Balloons Small balloon stick ($5.50) Medium balloon stick ($7.50) Large helium floating balloon ($22.00) Add Teddy Bear Small teddy ($18.95) Medium teddy ($32.95) Large premium teddy ($46.95) Add glass vase Small standard glass vase ($16.50) Premium glass vase ($28.00) Add Candle Luxury scented candle. Australian made, non-toxic wicks and nature identical fragrance ingredients. Candle ($35.00) We The Wild Plant Care Duo Pack Organic plant care Protection spray and Plant Food Tonic for care of indoor plants ($39.00) Add Wine Choose a 750ml bottle of South Australian Red, White or Sparkling wine. Select an option... Sparkling Wine($26.95) White Wine($26.95) Red Wine($26.95) Lily-Rose Bouquet quantity Add to cart Categories: Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Featured, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Valentine's Day Share000 Description A delightful bouquet featuring Asiatic lilies and 3 long stem roses. Spoil someone special in your life… Related products $85.00 Add to cart Modern Native Design Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers $85.00 Modern Native Design Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers A long lasting contemporary design of mixed native flowers and bark in a rustic wood box. (flowers may change due to availability) $85.00 $50.00 – $80.00 Select options Posy Box Arrangement Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers $50.00 – $80.00 Posy Box Arrangement Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers Pink and white flowers arranged in a traditonal posy style in a white box. $50.00 – $80.00 $65.00 – $95.00 Select options Seasonal Bouquet Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers $65.00 – $95.00 Seasonal Bouquet Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers Beautiful seasonal flowers used to create a handtied bouquet finished with complimenting gift-wrap. $65.00 – $95.00 $56.00 – $86.00 Select options Flower Wrap Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers $56.00 – $86.00 Flower Wrap Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers Tall bouquet with a mix of seasonal blooms to place in a vase. A tall upright natural style bouquet with a variety of seasonal flowers and foliage, beautifully gift-wrapped. $56.00 – $86.00