At Blackwood Florist we can design many styles of bouquets to suit your needs for that special person, with delivery to all suburbs across Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills and outer suburbs. We can creatively arrange bouquets of mixed roses, lilies, seasonal fresh flowers and many other types of flowers into a posy, flower wrap, traditional bouquet, hand-tied or modern design. Our flowers are sourced fresh daily from our selection of local market growers, with each flower hand-picked by the owner, so that only the freshest flowers are used in your bouquet. This means that your gift will be enjoyed long after it has been delivered. All of our bouquets are available to view online, meaning you’ll be able to find something you like, across our large range.
Please scroll down below to browse our designs and if you see something you like, you can order and pay online, easily and quickly. You can search by price, category, flower type or occasion, just to make it easier to find what you are looking for. You can also change the colour scheme to suit the occasion. If you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us and we can cater to your needs. Simply click the ‘Contact Us’ button at the top of the page. Blackwood Florist has always strived to maintain exceptional customer service and care in helping you select the right choice for any occasion. We are always happy to help in any way to make your experience in purchasing flowers and gift’s easy and satisfying. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Oriental Lily Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day FlowersBeautiful and fragrant Oriental Lilies gift wrapped.$75.00 – $100.00Beautiful oriental lilies arranged with lush green foliage and gift wrapped.
$75.00 – $100.00 -
Pink Passion
Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers, Valentine's DayStunning pink and purple mix of flowers is a passionate display of blooms!$96.50 – $125.00A mix of bright pink and purple flowers in a large bouquet.Ignite the passion in your loved one.
$96.50 – $125.00 -
Soft Pastel Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowerssoft pastel seasonal flowers arranged in a bouquet$85.00 – $110.00A delicate and whimsical bouquet of pastel seasonal flowers in a loose unstructured style. Why not add a glass vase to complete the look.
$85.00 – $110.00 -
Lily-Rose Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Featured, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Valentine's DayMix of lilies and roses in a bouquet$78.00A delightful bouquet featuring Asiatic lilies and 3 long stem roses. Spoil someone special in your life…
$78.00 -
Pick Me Up Bunch
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Featured, Mother's Day FlowersA mix of the day's market fresh chosen blooms with foliage wrapped.$45.00 – $59.95A petite,delightful mix of the day’s market fresh flowers wrapped and ready to brighten your day. Also available in orange and white.
$45.00 – $59.95 -
Pink and White Delight
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured productsBeautiful mix of pink and white blooms in a round bouquet with giftwrap.$75.00 – $95.00A lovely seasonal mix of pink and white toned blooms with foliage and beautifully gift wrapped.
$75.00 – $95.00 -
Rustic Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy FlowersRustic style bouquet with natural wrap. Mix of Protea or green banksia, Roses, Lisianthus and Blue Gum foliage.$80.95 – $112.00Lovely rustic look bouquet featuring Blue Gum, Protea, roses, Lisianthus and flowering wax. Please note some natives may change due to seasonal availability.
$80.95 – $112.00 -
Soft Rose Premium Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Valentine's DayCream or delicate soft pink roses in a bouquet with foliage and gift wrap.$135.00Luscious cream or delicate soft pink premium long stem roses in a bouquet with lush foliage and gift wrap. Why not add a glass vase to complete the gift?
$135.00 -
White and Purple garden bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy FlowersGarden style bouquet of white and purple flowers beautifully giftwrapped.$86.00 – $115.00White and purple flowers in a lovely round bouquet beautifully wrapped. The best seasonal blooms will be chosen for your bouquet.
$86.00 – $115.00 -
Wild Gathered Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day FlowersNatural loose gathered style bouquet of seasonal blooms.$85.00 – $100.00A beautiful natural gathered bouquet with a mix of stunning seasonal blooms. This wild bouquet will surely impress. Why not add a glass vase to complete the look.
$85.00 – $100.00 -
Seasonal Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers$65.00 – $95.00Beautiful seasonal flowers used to create a handtied bouquet finished with complimenting gift-wrap.
$65.00 – $95.00 -
Premium Seasonal Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayMix of seasonal blooms with some roses included$76.50 – $98.00Beautiful bouquet featuring a mix of seasonal flowers blooms with some premium roses.
$76.50 – $98.00 -
Modern Gerbera Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers$65.00 – $95.00A modern twist on a classic favourite. Tropical leaves with a cluster of bright Gerberas finished with willow and gift wrap.
$65.00 – $95.00 -
Roses Short Style
Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DayTen stems of red roses, short 40cm stems arranged into a bouquet.$80.00TEN stems of shorter stem red roses, lush foliage, beautifully gift wrapped in a bouquet for your loved one.
$80.00 -
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day FlowersRound compact posy with a selection of seasonal blooms.$35.00 – $50.00A lovely compact posy of seasonal blooms perfect to brighten any table. Add a glass vase to complete the look.
$35.00 – $50.00 -
Flower Wrap
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day FlowersTall bouquet with a mix of seasonal blooms to place in a vase.$56.00 – $86.00A tall upright natural style bouquet with a variety of seasonal flowers and foliage, beautifully gift-wrapped.
$56.00 – $86.00 -
Vibrant Hand-tied Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day FlowersTall modern style bouquet suitable for a tall glass vase.$80.00 – $100.00Vibrant tall stylish bouquet with a mix of seasonal blooms, lush foliage and willow sticks with a fabric wrap. Perfect for a tall vase or large room.
$80.00 – $100.00 -
Lily Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers$65.00 – $95.00Taller style bouquet with a mix of long lasting lilies and lush foliages.
$65.00 – $95.00 -
Pastel Rose Posy
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Valentine's DayTen stems of pastel coloured short stem roses in a lovely posy.$75.00This sweet pastel coloured 10 short stem rose posy is a thoughtful gift for a variety of occasions.
$75.00 -
Gerbera Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers$65.00 – $95.00A popular favourite, bright colourful gerbera’s in a bouquet, gift wrapped.
$65.00 – $95.00 -
Native Bouquet
Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, featured products, Mother's Day FlowersNatural mix of native and wildflowers in complimenting gift wrap.$65.00 – $95.00Natural and rustic mix of native and wild flowers in complimenting giftwrap.
$65.00 – $95.00 -
Rose Bouquet 6 Stems
Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, Bouquets, Bouquets, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DaySix beautiful long stem red roses arranged with lush foliage and gift wrap.$75.006 long stem red roses with lush foliage arranged into a bouquet.
$75.00 -
Add extra Balloons, Bears, Chocolates
Arrangements, Arrangements, Baskets, Baskets, Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, featured products, Flower Arrangements, Gift Baskets, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Hampers, Pamper Packs and Gifts, Mother's Day Flowers, RosesChose a cute teddy bear, soft toy or balloons to go with oyur chosen flower designAdd an extra touch to your chosen flower or hamper design. Bright soft toys and bears in pink, blue and neutral colours, helium balloons to suit many occasions and gift wrapped chocolates. Select your add on when you chose your flower design……
Dozen Rose Bouquet
Arrangements, Bouquets, Featured, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's Day12 beautiful long stem red roses arranged into a bouquet or a gift box.$135.0012 beautiful long stem roses in a lush foliage bouquet. Or if you prefer these quality roses can be arranged with lush foliage into a box.