Elegant Vase Arrangement Pastel
Arrangements, Flower Arrangements, Sympathy Flowers$80.00 – $100.00Stunning combination of pastel flowers in an elegant glass vase.
$80.00 – $100.00 -
Modern Native Design
Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers$85.00A long lasting contemporary design of mixed native flowers and bark in a rustic wood box. (flowers may change due to availability)
$85.00 -
Premium Bowl Arrangement
Arrangements, Arrangements, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers$120.00A traditional design with a beautiful mix of quaility flowers in your choice of colours.
$120.00 -
Floral Wreath
Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers$95.00 – $130.00A traditional circle design wreath of delicate flowers in your choice of colours.
$95.00 – $130.00 -
Laurel Remembrance Wreath
Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy FlowersTraditional laurel wreath with lest we forget ribbon.$90.00A tradtional elegant wreath with laurel leaves and a “Lest We Forget” ribbon.
$90.00 -
Casket Spray
Arrangements, Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy FlowersA tailored design to celebrate the life of a loved one. Favourite colours or flowers are incorporated in the casket design.
Price on request.
Cluster Wreath
Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers$85.00 – $110.00A modern wreath with foliage and a cluster of flowers in your choice of colours.
$85.00 – $110.00 -
Funeral Sheaf
Sympathy Flowers, Sympathy Flowers$60.50 – $90.50A sheaf of white seasonal flowers elegantly wrapped. Let us know if you would like an accent of a colour. Suitable for the home or service.
$60.50 – $90.50