Premium Glass Rose Dish
Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Roses, Roses, Valentine's DaySix beautiful long stem red roses presented in a low glass vase$95.00Low glass vase dish with 6 long stem premium roses and tropical foliages.
$95.00 -
Add extra Balloons, Bears, Chocolates
Arrangements, Arrangements, Baskets, Baskets, Birthday Flowers, Bouquets, featured products, Flower Arrangements, Gift Baskets, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Hampers & Gift Baskets, Hampers, Pamper Packs and Gifts, Mother's Day Flowers, RosesChose a cute teddy bear, soft toy or balloons to go with oyur chosen flower designAdd an extra touch to your chosen flower or hamper design. Bright soft toys and bears in pink, blue and neutral colours, helium balloons to suit many occasions and gift wrapped chocolates. Select your add on when you chose your flower design……
Modern Box
Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers$60.00 – $90.00Mix of modern succulents, berries, lilies and Disbuds with tropical foliages.
$60.00 – $90.00 -
Premium Phalaenopsis Presentation
Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Plants , Succulents & KokedamaPotted orchid plant presented in a tall ceramic pot with decoration$100.00A modern presentation of a potted Phalaenopsis orchid plant in a ceramic pot with sticks and tropical foliages. Colours of orchids may vary due to availability.
$100.00 -
Modern Native Design
Arrangements, Arrangements, Arrangements, Birthday Flowers, Flower Arrangements, Mother's Day Flowers, Sympathy Flowers$85.00A long lasting contemporary design of mixed native flowers and bark in a rustic wood box. (flowers may change due to availability)